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The Sustainability Imperative: How Immersive Tech Can Lead AEC to Greener Pastures

Architecture, engineering and construction sectors are gradually shifting from traditional 2D drawing and physical models to immersive virtual designs. The integration of immersive technology in gaming and entertainment, starting around the year 2016, has paved the way for this evolution. With the advent of technologies like Building Information Modeling (BIM) and digital twins, the industry… Continue reading The Sustainability Imperative: How Immersive Tech Can Lead AEC to Greener Pastures

Learning from Others: How Different Industries Are Outpacing AEC in Immersive Tech

Immersive technologies are innovative technologies that merge the physical  world with digital or simulated reality, creating a sense of presence and engagement through an immersive environment. The core concept of immersive technology aims to transport users to a virtual world or enhance their physical world experience by overlaying digital information into their physical surroundings. With… Continue reading Learning from Others: How Different Industries Are Outpacing AEC in Immersive Tech

Innovating Beyond the Obvious: How AEC Can Truly Benefit from Immersive Technologies

In today’s world, whеrе industries arе constantly evolving, the architecture and еnginееring and construction (AEC) sеctor is no diffеrеnt. As wе еntеr thе еra of Industrial Rеvolution 4.0, it is clеar that innovation is more crucial than еvеr. This article еxplorеr how immersive solutions could transform project management, engage stakeholders effectively and enhance safety training… Continue reading Innovating Beyond the Obvious: How AEC Can Truly Benefit from Immersive Technologies

From Visualization to Realization: Pushing the Boundaries of Immersive Tech in AEC

In the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) sector, Extended Reality (XR) technologies can simulate a construction project in a multidimensional digital space, presenting multiple aspects of the project for better decision-making from identifying potential challenges, to optimizing designs, ensuring the overall project success. AEC is a highly competitive industry, where willingness to take advantage and… Continue reading From Visualization to Realization: Pushing the Boundaries of Immersive Tech in AEC

Penny-Wise, Pound Foolish: Rethinking Budget Allocations for Tech in AEC

In today’s competitive AEC sectors, margins are tighter than ever. While cost control remains a crucial aspect of project delivery, a relentless focus on upfront savings can be a false economy. Businesses striving for efficiency and success are increasingly recognizing the need to move beyond a purely cost-centric approach to technology budgeting. Here at Trezi… Continue reading Penny-Wise, Pound Foolish: Rethinking Budget Allocations for Tech in AEC

Breaking the Cycle: Why AEC Needs to Overcome Its Tech-Aversion Now

In today’s rapidly evolving world, technology plays a crucial role in driving innovation and efficiency across various industries. However, one sector that has been known for being slow in embracing technological advancements is the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry. This tech-aversion has hindered progress, leading to inefficiencies, cost overruns, and missed opportunities for growth.… Continue reading Breaking the Cycle: Why AEC Needs to Overcome Its Tech-Aversion Now

Beyond Virtual Walkthroughs: Rethinking Immersive Tech in AEC

In the ever-evolving landscape of technological marvels, the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry finds itself at a pivotal juncture. While virtual reality (VR) has made its mark in visualizations, it is often used merely on the surface, failing to tap into its full potential for transformative change. The industry’s current use of VR for… Continue reading Beyond Virtual Walkthroughs: Rethinking Immersive Tech in AEC

Virtual Reality – The New Medium for Everything?

In rеcеnt yеars, immеrsivе technology has been dramatically transformed by trailblazеrs such as Trеzi. They have pushed thе boundariеs of what is possible in virtual reality (VR) еxpеriеncеs. As businesses and consumers increasingly seek more engaging and rеalistic intеractions, Trеzi stands out with its unique features that redefine immersive еxpеriеncеs. This exploration delves into thе… Continue reading Virtual Reality – The New Medium for Everything?

Trezi: Features that are Redefining Immersive Experiences

Trеzi has еmеrgеd as a trailblazеr, pushing thе boundariеs of what is possible in virtual reality (VR) еxpеriеncеs. As businesses and consumers increasingly seek more engaging and rеalistic intеractions, Trеzi stands out with its unique features that redefine immersive еxpеriеncеs. In this еxploration, we dеlvе into thе kеy aspеcts that makе Trеzi a lеadеr in… Continue reading Trezi: Features that are Redefining Immersive Experiences

Virtual Mall: The Rise of Virtual Shopping Stores in Metaverse

With the advent of a new era of digital innovation, the idea of the Metaverse has become a game-changer, altering many facets of our everyday existence. One of the most interesting developments in this virtual world is the emergence of VR malls. This is the result of the confluence of augmented reality, virtual reality, and… Continue reading Virtual Mall: The Rise of Virtual Shopping Stores in Metaverse